
It's My Party!

Looking at the calendar, it appears as though I've been musing for a whole year already! What fun! Although I'll probably never reach the popularity of my two first blog reads Quinn (although I hope to author a book someday, so I'll probably come running for advice) or Mel (who knew that an upper class preppy socialite could be so down-to-earth and, well, classy?), I'm having a blast and meeting some totally fun blogging buddies! And so, in the words of Sweet Son #1...

Happy Birthday to You (cha, cha, cha)!

Happy Birthday to You (cha, cha, cha)!

Happy Birthday Working Diva!

Happy Birthday to You (ooh-la-la, piz-za!)!



Melissa C Morris said...

Thanks for the kind words and for the link... and a very happy blogging birthday to you!

lisagh said...

Happy Anniversary!