Well, November is here and that means it's National Blog Posting Month! Yep, kids, this is what I've been training for, so we'll see how long it lasts...
So I sent Sweet Son #1 to school yesterday with his Ninja costume (sans "weapons" as it was a school function) and my contribution to the "Fall Festival Party" (veggie tray...surprisingly popular with the 7 year-old set, actually) in a bag.
He came home with NO homework, a sugar high like you wouldn't believe, and a bag full of candy.
I dressed the Manimal in his costume (a pumpkin) and off we went to harass the neighbors for yet more candy. The only good thing about this year is that, due to the change in Daylight Savings Time, we didn't beg in the dark. In the Windy City, once we make that dreaded time change, it's dark at 4:30 pm. I couldn't believe it myself the first few years I was here.
We trick-or-treated for about an hour, then were off to the school Halloween Dance, sponsored by the PTO. Of course, the Manimal was in tow, strapped in his stroller while I worked the Bozo Buckets game. While there, Sweet Son #1 ate two pieces of pizza, potato chips and that ever-popular pure-sugar concoction, Cotton Candy.
No wonder he couldn't fall asleep until 10 pm. His sugar level would've made Willy Wonka himself go into a sugar coma.
As an aside, costumes for elementary aged kids stink. The boys' costumes all include some variation of weaponry and the girls', well, let's just say "skank" pretty much sums it up. One little girl last night had a great one, though. I took one look at her and knew she was Wednesday Addams. She could've been a double for Lisa Loring. Mom had done a fabulous job on her costume, complete with pilgrim style dress, long black braids and black boots. She looked awesome.
All I have to say is, thank goodness Halloween is over and my child's sugar levels can return to normal.
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