
Naughty or Nice?

As you ponder the cuteness of my boys, allow me to point out a few items that will make Santa pause and consider the question.

1. The tree only has ornaments on the upper half. This was actually a tactic to give the boys (The Manimal) a fighting chance at having a "nice" year.

2. The village around the base of the Christmas Tree appears to have suffered a natural disaster of catastrophic proportions. It is likely to have been an appearance of the not-so-rare Bigfoot (a.k.a. The Manimal), who has a penchant for picking up the buildings, trees and people, and relocating them willy-nilly. This is not his fault, however. Blame the Bigfoot's male parental unit for wanting his boys to have a train and village around the Christmas tree, failing to heed the warnings of a knowing female parental unit. Niceness still intact.

3. Sweet Son #1 has really had a pretty nice year, despite the ever-growing sassy-pants attitude. We'll keep that in check in 2008. The fact that he's a huge help with his little bro counterbalances that naughtiness.

So I suppose they're both pretty good little guys. Even if they've increased my grey hairs by at least a hundredfold each month. Oh well, at least I'm not pulling it out.

We'll save that for the teenage years.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas!


Melissa C Morris said...

your boys are so cute! merry christmas.

Melissa Boyas said...

Happy New Year! Your little ones are tooooo cute! You are so blessed. Melissa