
Loving on Leap Day

So I couldn't let today go by without some sort of blogging. I mean, I won't have another chance to blog on February 29th for FOUR WHOLE YEARS. Who knows where my life will take me by then?

In celebration of Leap Day, I decided to share some things I'm "Loving on Leap Day":

1. TurboTax

Yay! They're done (our taxes, that is) and we ARE getting a refund. Now, I know the fine folks who do this financial thing for a living will tell me that I shouldn't be letting the government "borrow" my money for a whole year, only to return it to me without any interest paid, but seriously? Getting a refund makes the whole income tax filing thing a bit easier to swallow.

2. Winter Clearance Sales

Yesterday the zipper on SS#1's (yes, he's over the Mr. Poopyfacepants stage--for now) winter jacket broke. I can't complain, as the jacket has lasted two winters. However, we in the Windy City area are still getting snow, so the boy had to have a winter jacket. I decided to purchase one in "next year's" size and found great deals on clearance, so now BOTH boys have new winter jackets--for less than $20 for both! I was wearing the Bargain Diva tiara yesterday!

3. Spring Break Camp

Our park district runs a day camp for elementary-aged students during the school district spring break. Bonus for us work-away-from-home parents who would otherwise be tearing our hair out to find alternative care for our munchkins. Bonus is that my workplace is closed on Easter Monday as well, so I get a REAL free day! :)

4. The Dripping Sound Outside My Window

Because it means the snow is MELTING. Of course, I can't get too excited since the snow that is currently melting just fell last night, and it's only the end of February. We've been known to get that occasional freak snowstorm in April. But for today, Leap Day, the snow is melting!

5. My Hair Salon

Where I will be on Thursday, taking care of my scary greys (Seriously people, I'm not 40 yet. My mom finally gave up the battle and has the most beautiful silver-grey hair. I'm just not ready yet to completely turn into my Mom.) before my hair turns on me. I love this salon and my stylist, because she can take care of my scary greys without completely breaking the bank.

6. Spring Forward

Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 9th. Losing that hour is oh-so-worth-it to me. Why? The first fall that I was in Chicago, none of my Ohio friends believed me when I told them it was DARK at 4:30 in the afternoon. As we inch toward March 9th, there is more daylight in the afternoon. Thank goodness!

7. Easter

Because I am so excited to celebrate the Risen Lord, but also because my baby, Sweet Son #1, will be taking Communion for the first time that day. No big ceremony like in the Catholic Church, but the kids get to take Communion with their parents. He's not nearly as excited about this as I am, but it is bittersweet, since it is another milestone, reminding me that he's not really my baby anymore, but my big boy.

8. Vegas, Baby!

I'll be headed out west for a Conference in March. By myself! Grandma and Grandpa are coming to stay with my boys and the dog-who-thinks-she's-a-human. I'll be gone for five whole days. In a hotel. Alone. Bliss.

9. Great Blogging Friends

Like Libby, who posted just the right thing, at just the right time. I feel your pain about the cold, dearie. Beantown and Chi-Town both seem to be unable to escape the white stuff. Take heart, though, the sun shines brightly today, and I'm willing it your way!

10. Bloggy Babies

Cheers to soon-to-be girlie moms, Cloggsy and TulipMom. Hope both of your deliveries are blessedly uneventful and quick! The Preppy blogworld can't wait to meet both of the little ladies. :)

That's all on this Leap Day. Kiss a frog today and have fun!


Libby said...

I cannot wait to spring the clocks forward! That extra hour of daylight does wonders for the spirit. :)

Have a great weekend!

tulipmom said...

Thank you for your good wishes! So very thoughtful of you.

I wish I had been as smart as you when SB's zipper on his winter coat broke. I took it to the cleaner's to get fixed once in December and again (!!) this week. Perfect example of my losing brain cells. I've now spent more on replacing zippers than I would have on buying a new coat on clearance! Not to mention it won't fit next year. DUH!!

Suburban prep said...

Yep the Winter weather just wants to hang around a bit longer I guess. It is getting a bit long now.
grays well I can tell you a few stories about that. Luckily I have blonde hair but I know there are grays in it.