
Happy New Year!

Wowza! It's been a long time since I went a week without a blog post!

I can 'splain, though. :) We've been spending some vacay time with Diva Nana and Diva Papa. We're having an absolutely marvelous time, and getting to reconnect with some old friends while we're here. More on that later!

The Manimal and SS#1 are thrilled with their "haul" from DN and DP. The Manimal has been playing NON-STOP with Thomas the Train (don't get me started on the Thomas racket...a post for another day!). Sweet Son #1, while he loves the Legos (oy...more of the deadly little bricks!), has really been having a blast with DN and DP's Wii Fit. Have to say, I'm enjoying it myself and if I had an extra $500, one of those would be going home with us! :)

Meanwhile, we had some tasty crab legs to ring in the New Year (a sort of Diva family tradition) and will be enjoying homemade tamales tonight--Diva Nana and Diva Papa love them, so I decided to make them the other day. Nana made the beef and we searched all over town for the masa preparada. We FINALLY found it! Can't wait to try them tonight! :)

Well, I'm off to have SS#1 beat me soundly in bowling! Hope you and yours are enjoying a wonderful kickoff to the New Year! More later!


Jenners said...

Glad you are having some great quality time with the family!

I know what you mean about the whole Thomas the Train thing. Thank Goodness the Little One was not sucked in but I've seen so many of his little playmates get very very involved in it ... don't quite get the appeal.

Glad the kids enjoyed their Christmas! Isn't it the best to be able to experience it through the kids? I loved seeing the Little One's excitement at everything.

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

sounds like you are having a wonderful time! happy 2009