
While We Wait

...to hear of Monkey's next great adventure, I just had to share an announcement about one of Monkey's newest sisters!

While some of you may have seen her on the amazing Sian's Etsy Store, I'm waiting to post her official debut until she makes her way across the pond.

I'm so excited about the newest addition to the Diva family. Of course, because I have my own boys, I requested a girl for adoption. She's a Diva, so she'll fit in nicely. Her name is Beatrice.

Beatrice juggles the hectic life of working monkeyhood, raising her three monkeycubs alongside authoring five novels, one of which made the Monkey Times Besteseller List 2008. She also finds the time to act as patron to several charities close to her heart, overseeing the organisation of two annual charity dinners which raise much needed funds and publicity for sock monkeys in need.

Can't wait to introduce her to you all when she arrives!

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