
Don't worry, I won't tell!

I, like most of the western world, got the new Harry Potter book on Saturday. I did not, however, pick it up until a reasonable hour (9 am), nor did I start to read immediately.

Last night I finished the book, just about 48 hours after I initially began reading.

I'm not into spoilers, but all I have to say is WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!

If you've not read it, or at least started it, you absolutely must! The feel of this books is definitely darker than the first six, but, WOW!

A fellow blogger, Julie, was a bit more eloquent about her HP 7 experience, and had this to say on her blog: "But of course tired or not I had to read Harry Potter. I started it at 5PM last night and didn't stop until I was done sometime after 3am. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. It was satisfying in all ways. I think I cried for the last 300 pages or so (kinda hard not to when you read something like this when you are utterly exhausted and worn raw). I'll wait for now to post spoilery type things. But I do have to say that after this concluding book all conservative Christians need to make a huge apology to JK Rowling, lift the bans on the books, and give them a place of honor on the spiritual fiction shelf next to the Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings (where I've kept my set all along...). And although satisfying, it leaves one empty in a way to see the story end. I want to read it all again, to linger in the world a while longer."

Well, said!


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