
Go Ahead, Make My Day!

Swiped this one from ClemsonGirl. Totally fun, and while Heather would argue (legitimately) that I read WAY more than five blogs every day, these five of my faves. You all make my day, girls!

1 & 2. Badger Meets World & Make Your Own Damn Dinner: OK, so I realize that this is actually two blogs, but if you're a mom who's ever been faced with the dilemma of children refusing to eat what you cook, you must read up on Badger's solution in "MYODD". Her regular blog is just as hysterical.

3. A Study of Schoolbooks & Shoes: Libby makes me want to pack up, move to Boston and go to law school. Hope Fate is kind to you this time around, Libs!

4. Barely Keeping It All Together: Sasha and I both have a Wild Child in our lives, and share many other similarities. Love reading her kiddie posts, as they remind me that sanity is relative.

5. JourneyMama: Rae is amazing. There are no other adequate ways to describe her, so go check out her blog before she heads off to India with her husband and three-soon-to-be-four children.

So girls, if you're reading this, and are willing to accept your award, please "pass it on" by doing the following:

Write a post with links to five blogs that make your day.
Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
Display the “You Make My Day Award” logo.
Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs or emailing them the news.

1 comment:

Libby said...

ElleBee I have to say that your "You Make My Day Award" just made my day! :)