

I've said it before and I'll say it again. April is the cruelest month. At Diva U., though, it's followed a close second by May. We are so busy at work during those two months, that there are many times I feel I may go crazy.

Oh wait! I've already been there!

Anyway, let me just share my next few weeks with you...

5/4-5/7: Regular 8-5 days

5/8: Off (yay!) because...

5/9: Work all day

5/11-5/12: Regular 8-5 days

5/13-5/15: In Louisville ("Louahvll"), KY for a conference planning meeting. Yes, I'm driving the approximately 300 miles, but honestly, I don't mind driving. AND I'm doing it in a nice shiny rental car. AND I get to stay BY MYSELF in a b-e-a-utiful (quick, what movie is that from?!) hotel room for two.whole.nights. The planning meeting is being held at the site of our 2010 Annual Conference, The Galt House.

5/16-5/17: Commencement Exercises here at Diva U. Work both days. All day.

5/18-5/20: Regular 8-5 days

5/21-5/26: Annual Memorial Day trip with SS#1, The Manimal and Diva Nana to see Diva Grande Dame (my Grams) in the Great North Woods.

All I can say is that it's a good thing I have some down time in there! Because otherwise, my brain might explode!

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Yikes! I hope you're able to find some relaxation time in there. The hotel looks great!