
Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings

Today is October 22nd. That basically leaves just over two months until Christmas. Sixty-four days, to be precise.

I'll give you a moment to let that sink in.

Now you have to give ME a moment.


Now that we're all sufficiently shocked, let's talk about presents. Sweet Son #1 hasn't yet begun the Annual Children's Christmas Litany of "I want that. Can I have that? Do you think I could get that for Christmas?". The Manimal, unfortunately, at the tender age of almost-three has made up for both of them.

I'm not sure if it's just because I'm getting older or if the economy is influencing my thoughts, but I'm all about a homemade Christmas this year, at least for the grownups. A lot of bloggers have been talking about this as well, and I'm sure etsy will be seeing a lot of business.

For myself, I'm planning on some yummy edible gifts, including caramel corn, fresh bread, apple pie, cookies and kolaches, garlic and basil olive oil, and other tasty treats. I'll be testing the boys' creative skills with some salt dough ornaments.

Santa will likely be doing some creative bargain shopping this year, as I have decided to leave him a note explaining that we simply don't need any more toys, and what kid wants to get all clothes for Christmas?

Do you have a Christmas budget? Any thoughts on frugal, yet thoughtful Christmas gifts?

1 comment:

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Hi, visiting all of the SSS bloggers this week. Love your homemade Christmas ideas! Our family generally does a homemade Christmas for all of the extended family members. My sister gave all of her nephews their own personal 3-pound container of homemade cheesey potatoes last year. They are grown men and acted like little boys with their first Tonka trucks! Men and taters ~ what's up with that??