
America's Got Talent

The Manimal loves music.

For those of you who know me IRL, I'm sure this will come as a complete and total shocker no surprise. I'm hoping to start him on piano this fall, but with mom as his teacher, we'll see how it goes.

When he was just two, he developed a liking for a particular song that he heard at church. I love it, not only because it has a wonderful message, but the chorus melody is just so daggone catchy.

While I'm not going out on a limb and saying that my kid's a musical prodigy or anything, he's certainly got some serious chutzpah. And maybe a little case of stage fright. Please try to ignore the conversation about the hideous, ridiculous, completely insane cost of avocados going on in the background.


Unknown said...

OMGosh he is so cute!!! I was just a gigglin when he ran to hide

Unknown said...

Thanks, Georgie! He cracks us up on a regular basis. :)

heather said...

You know I'm smitten by the kid (and I want to chew his cheeks, but I don't think he'd let Auntie Heather do that). LOVE the new blog look!