
Music Monday

In the spirit of "get off my butt and blog already", I've decided to start trying some "regular" posts. From this day forward, Mondays will be "Music Mondays". I find this incredibly appropriate on two levels.

One, I am a musician. I was a band geek in high school, as well as a music major in college and for five years was a high school band and choir director. Even though I've not been a band director longer than I actually WAS a band director, I'll always be a band kid at heart.

Two, I spent the better part of Friday night procrastinating. I was SUPPOSED to be finalizing some details for two events on Saturday, but nooooooo. I was on that timesucking vortex Facebook watching old high school band videos!

Since technical difficulties don't allow me to actually post one of those videos, and in a tribute to our upcoming Homecoming Celebration, I'll show you a video of my sophomore year in college as a proud member of the Miami University Marching Band.

MU-Go Band!
MU-Go Band!
MU-Go Band!


Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy said...

Wow, that was incredible! They must have practiced forever!! I was never in the band, I tried playing the flute once and almost passed out :) Thanks for playing along!

Unknown said...

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME I so wish i was musically inclined, or at the very least one of my childrens were

Unknown said...

just stopping back in to let you know we are getting closer to announcing everyones exchange partner so look for an email from us soon

Rebecca said...

Love bands during football games!

Stopping by to visit all of the SSS participants!

Unknown said...

Hope all is well ellbee...just making my SSS rounds